
Wild Edge Farm
We are a regenerative family farm west of Port Angeles offering delicious, natural meat and fresh produce for your family's health and the life of our community.
Our farm lies along the Elwha River,
a resource that has for centuries fed the people living in this area.
We are committed to building a local food economy here in Clallam County.
We offer pastured pork, grass fed beef, and fresh produce locally and year round.
You will love eating local food dense in nutrients and alive with flavor!
Sign up to receive updates on seasonal meat and produce, farm activities and events.

We accept EBT/P-EBT and SNAP Market Match.
Find us on the Regenerative International farms map. Learn more here.
Farm to Food Pantry participant as registered by the Washington State Department of Agriculture
Member of The Livestock Conservancy
Jim and Karen Weaver
Photo credits: Weaver family and Isaac Gautschi