Meat & CSA

Food shares available for your family

We're excited to be developing our network of local slow food eaters.

Karen pastoring hogs, 191020
Wild Edge Farm Organic Farming on the Elwha River Olympic Peninsula Port Angeles, WA Beef Pork Produce CSA vegetables farm mountains cows fall IGP_7097

Pastured Pork and Grass Fed Beef

Thank you for your interest in our pastured heritage pork and 100% grass fed and finished beef.  We offer the whole animal as well as halves, quarters and shares.

Our vigorous Tamworth hogs thrive here in the Northwest, raising litters year round.  We supplement their outdoor grazing with local no-till, non-GMO grain from Adolphsen's Farm in Sequim as well as gleanings from our market garden.

Our pastured pork is available spring, summer, fall and winter.

At Wild Edge our 100% grass fed and finished beef are rotated daily through our pastures.  This offers them the freshest grasses so they are naturally fattened while they improve our soil through grazing.  Our beef is available early and late spring 2025.

In purchasing Wild Edge meat, you partner with Peninsula Harvest for a low stress, on farm slaughter, and with Sunrise Meats here in Port Angeles for custom processing.

For our custom pork and beef, you pay Wild Edge Farm $4.50/lb. hanging weight which covers the care of the animal.  Peninsula Harvest's farm slaughter fee is $100 for hogs ($50 for half) and $150 for beef ($75 for half) which will be included in your invoice from Wild Edge Farm.  The cut and wrap fees and any additional processing are paid separately to Sunrise Meats. See pork or beef order forms for an approximate breakdown of cost.

Looking for smaller portions?  Try our pork and beef shares.  The cost for all shares is an affordable $6.50/lb. hanging weight which covers all expenses.  The hanging weight will vary with each animal, but a pork share will come to approximately $165 for around 17 pounds of pork (a grocery sack full).  A beef share will be approximately $390 for around 35 pounds of beef (a cooler full).  Available spring and fall.  We offer pork shares year round which vary slightly with each season.  (See pork order form for more details.)  A deposit will reserve your meat:  $50 - pork, $100 - beef.  We also offer a "Four Seasons" pork share allowing you to enjoy pork all year at a 5% discount.

To sign up for your meat online, go to "Reserve your meat" through our Online Farm Stand.  With an online reservation you can opt to mail in a check, or pay online with a credit/debit card.  (A 2.9% credit card processing fee is charged by a third party vendor for this service.)  We will confirm with an email or automated invoice once we receive your deposit.  You can also mail in a pork or beef order form with a check deposit to reserve your meat.  Feel free to call or email us for a quick and direct response to any questions.


Organically grown produce

Community SupportING Agriculture (CSA)

We offer an organically grown 19-week produce farm share.  The 2024 season runs from June 25 through October 29.  Membership is $600 for the season (the cost of $31.50/week).  Weekly shares include a bountiful mix of 8 -12 items.  Pick up will be Tuesday afternoons on the farm, at the Lower Elwha, or at the Lincoln Center parking lot off 9th and B.  Our membership is full for 2024.

2024 CSA vegetables


Our food is good for your health.

Our grass fed meat is lower in fat and higher in protein and omega 3’s. Our produce is raised under regenerative practices making them higher in vitamins and minerals.


Regeneration International Pork Ham Wild Edge Farm meat CSA Port Angeles, Washington
SNAPMarketMatch_Logo Wild Edge Farm
Washington EBT Wild Edge Farm
P-EBT Washington logo Wild Edge Farm
F2FP-Seal-Grayscale_small Wild Edge Farm Organic Farming Elwha River Olympic Peninsula Port Angeles Washigton State CSA Meet share vegetables

We accept EBT/P-EBT and SNAP Market Match.

Find us on the Regenerative International farms map. Learn more here.

Farm to Food Pantry participant as registered by the Washington State Department of Agriculture

Member of The Livestock Conservancy

Jim and Karen Weaver


Photo credits: Weaver family and Isaac Gautschi